Theme: Bullying and Self-Esteem
Grades: Pre-K-2
Summary:Grades: Pre-K-2
Sophie has to spend the entire weekend with her cousin Wendell. He makes up all the rules when they play house, Sophie is the dog and when playing Bakery, Sophie is yet again the least important role: literally, she's the sweet roll while Wendell gets to be the Baker. Sophie can only take so much and when Wendell tried to change her hair with shaving cream, she was done playing and showed him that she was quite capable of being a leader.
- Journal Entry or Discussion Question: Have you ever had a friend stay the night at your house? Was it fun? Why or why not?
- Reader's Theatre: Have students practice for Reader's Theatre. Students can be assigned roles and make props. After students have selected a part of the book they wish to role play, the teacher and students can debrief about how they think the main character, Sophie was feeling.
- Write to a bully- Have students write a letter to a bully. What would you say to this bully and how would you tell the bully to stop picking on you without being a bully yourself?
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